Gbadegesin is the Founder/CEO of HYTEM LTD, a development social enterprise focused on generating and implementing bold ideas towards improving the health systems-through sustainable policies, research and technological innovation. At the heart of his work is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 that provides a framework to accelerate impact in the lives of poor and vulnerable most especially in developing countries. He pairs extensive knowledge in public health, technology and entrepreneurship expertise to impact the world for good. He has special interest in politics, policy making and research as they intersect to promote good governance and enhance the socioeconomic status of the poor.

Gbadegesin was born in Ibadan and raised by a single mother. He could have ended up on the street if not for the positive influence of his mother who made sure he saw the four walls of the University. This humble background fueled his passion for community service- wanting to help and liberate children and communities prone to hardship and poor health. This led him to start his community/volunteering experience at the age of 18 when he joined the “Youth Rescue Club” of Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH), Ibadan, Nigeria. During this period, he built confidence, discovered himself and learnt how he could identify and solve social problems within his community. He was trained as a Youth peer educator on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, HIV//AIDS, contraceptive use coupled with diverse life building skills. He worked with young people from various poor communities to improve access to correct information on Sexual Reproductive Health and Right as well as build their capacity/skills to make informed and healthy choices.

As a 2016 Women Deliver Youth Scholar, he organized a step down advocacy training on Sustainable Development Goals and Deliver4Good investment case centered around Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for over 500 secondary school students. He believes young people need to own and be part of the implementation and evaluation of the SDGs if we are to make any significant progress by 2030.

Recently, he was a finalist for the 2018 British Council Future Leaders Connect, Nigeria where he championed global policy solutions to achieve the Universal Health Coverage by 2030 and expand access to quality and affordable healthcare for the millions of poor and vulnerable people.

Gbadegesin, envisions a world where everyone regardless of their socioeconomic background, tribe or colour will be able to live a healthier, productive and prosperous life.

Well done Gbadegesin!We celebrate you and the great work you are doing.



The concept of Hema Foundation started in 2015 but the foundation was officially registered as a not for profit organization in Kenya on March 2018.

Hema was founded by four doctors who were classmates in Medical school at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. They are all currently involved in different spheres of medicine; Dr. Borna Nyaoke-Anoke is a public health specialist who is currently involved in clinical research, Dr. Roselyne Okello is a Radiologist resident at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences  in Tanzania, Dr. Nida Okumu is an infectious disease resident and working at one of the largest pediatric hospitals in Kenya and Dr. Achieng Aling is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist.

In the different spheres of their work they were faced with the same recurring health issue, lack of access to equitable, quality healthcare to the most vulnerable of populations. In this, they identified women and children, and within that targeted girls who are 17 years old and younger who mostly under very desolate circumstances, including rape and incest become pregnant and have no access to quality ante-natal and post-natal care or socio-economic support post-delivery.

They have been able to conduct educational talks for young girls focusing on empowerment, reproductive health, and choices they have including rights for their bodies, how to respond to physical and sexual abuse and increasing their awareness and accessibility to careers in STEM. Additionally, they have conducted health screening activities and are planning medical camps in the lower socio-economic urban areas of Nairobi. Long-term they intend to collaborate with partners who have the same objectives as Hema in bridging health gaps, especially in marginalized communities. They also intend to promote maternal and child health through health talks, nutrition camps, water and sanitation programs.

Hema Foundation is convinced all these can be achieved by working with a dedicated team of individuals and partners who are keen to see a positively progressing economy through a healthy nation and tenacious, empowered women thus securing our future for generations to come.

We celebrate the great work you are doing in Nairobi, Kenya.

Well done HEMA Foundation!



 As we move on in the 21st century, there are issues around Gender and Development that need more attention and deeper interrogation. It is obvious that there is inadequate involvement of youths and because of these there is sustainability risk in the struggle and emancipation of women and this makes the intergenerational linkage very weak.

It is interesting to note that all gender-related problems are not about women but there is a general misconception that it is about women. As a result of this, men are being left out consciously and unconsciously in programs, activities and activism relating to gender equality and how to deal with problems associated with it.

Given that, society privileges men and conversations around gender equality has been framed around increasing access to women rather than being about equal access. Furthermore, gender equality has had the tendency to be understood as activism rather being a gap in literature, development work and policy. Consequently, these conversations have seen men become defensive or would rather not want to be part of the conversation.

It is thus obvious that the gap gender analysts and activists need to bridge is the involvement or integration of both genders into program designs, policy designs and initiatives that are championed by international organizations and national governments.

It is these gaps that InOurHands Initiative intends to use as the focus of our interventions and activities with special emphasis on reconstruction of the mindset on issues relating to gender and development beginning with our immediate community and then to national and international level.

Written by:  Ms. Orejesu Ajayi (Founder, In our hands initiative)


Meet Samuel Onyemachi, The coordinator of Fight Against Molestation (FAM).

Samuel Onyemachi is a Teens/ Youth counselor/Life coach, a business developer/ Marketing expert and business consultant with the Principal of SENSE Leadership Academy. He is also the CEO of Psalmz Consulting .

He is a devoted Christian, a God crazy individual who sees Christ as his role model. He believes the love of Christ is what propels him to do all that he does and he has a vision to help people know Christ for themselves so as they can live the life he wants them to live.

According to him,

“The society we live in today, is one which has not been love oriented, so lust rules and the sexual desires of many has been awakened. Their urges having surpassed their humanity, puts the physical, social and mental lives of both the boy child and girl child at risk if they fall victim of these people.”


This was his driving force for the creation of FAM, which is to curb these practices before it becomes a culture, creating awareness, and assisting the victims through the process of rehabilitation.

He is one who in the last decade has been out in the field of life, trying to play his part in the building of humanity. He has been regular in private and public schools, churches and even on the street on a weekly basis reaching out to hundreds of teenagers with the message of hope, purpose, love and togetherness.

We celebrate you Samuel for your great work as a social impact leader.

Congratulations on being our #MCM for the week. Keep up the good work!!!!




Hello everyone! Welcome to our blog, we are glad you are here.

This blog will be where we will talk about things relating to Gender and Development, Gender based violence, quality education and Gender Equality .

We will try to be consistent with our posts!




We are a youth-led non-governmental organisation set out to advancing human rights, advocating for gender equality, enhancing quality education through policy and developmental strategies.

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Lagos, Nigeria.

+234 705 516 3740