Meet Samuel Onyemachi, The coordinator of Fight Against Molestation (FAM).

Samuel Onyemachi is a Teens/ Youth counselor/Life coach, a business developer/ Marketing expert and business consultant with the Principal of SENSE Leadership Academy. He is also the CEO of Psalmz Consulting .

He is a devoted Christian, a God crazy individual who sees Christ as his role model. He believes the love of Christ is what propels him to do all that he does and he has a vision to help people know Christ for themselves so as they can live the life he wants them to live.

According to him,

“The society we live in today, is one which has not been love oriented, so lust rules and the sexual desires of many has been awakened. Their urges having surpassed their humanity, puts the physical, social and mental lives of both the boy child and girl child at risk if they fall victim of these people.”


This was his driving force for the creation of FAM, which is to curb these practices before it becomes a culture, creating awareness, and assisting the victims through the process of rehabilitation.

He is one who in the last decade has been out in the field of life, trying to play his part in the building of humanity. He has been regular in private and public schools, churches and even on the street on a weekly basis reaching out to hundreds of teenagers with the message of hope, purpose, love and togetherness.

We celebrate you Samuel for your great work as a social impact leader.

Congratulations on being our #MCM for the week. Keep up the good work!!!!


We are a youth-led non-governmental organisation set out to advancing human rights, advocating for gender equality, enhancing quality education through policy and developmental strategies.

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Lagos, Nigeria.

+234 705 516 3740
